Elevate Pension Savings Statements (PSS)

24 August 2023

We will shortly be issuing Pension Savings Statements to eligible Elevate PIA customers. Customers who have opted to receive paperless communications will be able to view their statements in their document library, those customers who have opted to receive paper communications will receive their statements in the post shortly after.

Why are we sending these?

We are required by the Government to inform clients before 6 October 2023 if in the last tax year, we’ve received:

  • More than the standard annual allowance, £40,000 in 2022/23
  • Or more than the money purchase annual allowance, £4,000 in 2022/23

This applies even if a tax charge won’t arise because unused allowances from previous years have been carried forward.

We don’t need to inform clients that are subject to tapering and have a personal annual allowance between £40,000 and £10,000 because of their income level.

We’re currently preparing the Annual Pension Statements (APS) and will update you before these are sent.

If you have any questions please contact your usual Elevate contact or give us a call on 0345 600 2399.