Build your own investment solutions

If you decide to build and manage your own model portfolios, we can help.

Hand and molecule
Choice and flexibility
You’ll have access to more than 6,000 share classes from over 200 fund managers to build your advisory investment proposition. The range includes more than 4,000 mutual funds and over 400 discounted funds. This flexibility allows you to build a proposition to suit the needs of your clients and your business.
Technology that puts you in control
Our market-leading technology makes it easy to run your investment proposition at scale. You’ll benefit from simple, straight-through trading processes which you can automate to save you time. And you can choose from several re-balancing options to ensure your portfolios remain in line with your original objectives.
Managing risk within your business
You can tailor access permissions to control who can make changes to portfolios, and track activity through a comprehensive audit trail. Our full suite of MI reports can support robust investment decisions, helping you manage risk and stay compliant.
Supporting your client effectively
You can access engaging client reports, designed to support effective review conversations with your client. You can view a full look-through to underlying assets and transactions, allowing you to report at model and asset level.

Explore fund range available on Wrap

Find more information on the range of funds available.  

Explore funds on Wrap

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Find guides, FAQs and contact details if you need support. Our dedicated teams are here to help.

Charges & interest rates

Reductions to Wrap's rate card and a new, simplified pricing structure can help you deliver more value to clients.



Wrap offers a variety of products to help your clients' save for the future.