One year on from the last edition of The Bulletin, and there’s no denying that this has been a challenging period, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine providing a persistent and distressing backdrop that has affected us all. With a resolution to the crisis still looking remote at the time of writing, plus other global challenges, the investment climate remains just as complex and challenging as it was a year ago. Uncertainty prevails, but not without opportunity; perhaps a pertinent reminder that a long-term perspective and consistent approach to investing can bring the greatest rewards over time.

In this edition of The Bulletin we offer our perspectives on the global investment landscape, as usual, with a range of informed contributions reflecting abrdn’s wide range of investment trusts. We also look at the heritage of our industry, with two of abrdn’s trusts reaching significant milestones this year: Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust, one of the industry’s oldest trusts, has its 150th anniversary, whilst Murray Income Trust celebrates its centenary, having been incorporated in 1923. With the ongoing global challenges and a persistent cost of living crisis very much front of mind as I write, it feels appropriate to celebrate the longevity and heritage of these trusts, both of which have successfully navigated a variety of market challenges over their long lives to generate solid returns for investors and continue to meet their investment objectives today.

The 2023/24 tax year has recently begun. With the UK tax burden set to hit the highest level since the Second World War, it is timely to remind you that the new tax year brings with it a fresh opportunity to invest up to £20,000 tax-free in an Individual Savings Account. Spreading investments across sectors and geographical regions is one of the golden rules of successful long-term investing so I invite you to look at our comprehensive, award-winning range of trusts at

I hope you enjoy this latest edition of The Bulletin and thank you for your support.

Important information

Risk warnings you should consider prior to investing:

  • The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and investors may get back less than the amount invested.
  • Past performance is not a guide to future results.


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