Key Takeaways

  • Our new ‘Trump 2.0’ base case envisages the incoming president following through on a pared-back version of his campaign pledges across fiscal, trade, immigration and regulatory policy. 
  • We expect some loosening in fiscal policy, large tariff increases on China but a case-by-case approach elsewhere, increased deportations and looser regulation.
  • Our new forecasts therefore see inflation treading water at uncomfortably firm rates, while the Fed will cut rates more gradually and to a higher terminal rate in coming years.
  • But we have also sketched out a ‘Trump unleashed’ scenario, which envisages more aggressive policy changes facilitated by a supportive Congress. 
  • Large tax cuts and higher defence spending in this scenario push the deficit much wider, despite larger and broader tariff increases. Deportations rise significantly, generating a sharp labour force shock.
  • These policies would drive a reacceleration in inflation and make it hard for the Fed to cut at all, causing the president to threaten the central bank’s independence.
  • Finally, we’ve specified a ‘Trump delivers for markets’ scenario, in which the president focusses on the market friendly aspects of his agenda. 
  • This would involve a more measured tax bill, smaller tariff increases, less aggressive immigration policy, and a supply-side boost from deregulation. These policies would boost growth while still allowing inflation to normalise and interest rates to come down.
    Read the full article. 

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