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De meningen en onderzoeken van experts die onze beleggingsbeslissingen aansturen.
Small caps have outperformed large caps in every region over the long term. Yet, investors continue to avoid them. Time to reconsider?
In our latest podcast, we discuss how infrastructure investments can help to achieve optimal outcomes for society.
Income-generating assets help mitigate risks and make portfolios more resilient across economic cycles. Diversify across equity, fixed income and multi-asset investments with funds that have quality assets and deliver stable income.
We’ve moved on from blanket exclusions to more forward-looking engagement. So what are the results?
Faced with its critics, why emerging markets continue to show significant potential in the second quarter and beyond.
Active ownership is a key part of meeting net-zero goals. We discuss how we help companies on their decarbonisation journey.
After three challenging years, we think high-quality, small-cap growth stocks could be back on the menu. Here’s why.
We ask if dividend investors should consider diversifying into emerging markets.
Paul and Luke talk to Lizzy Galbraith, Political Economist at abrdn, about the UK government’s political economy strategy.
The direct spillover effects of banking sector turmoil and the information it provides about the lagged effects of past tightening mean we have reduced our forecast for the terminal policy rate.
We have the out-of-consensus view that the fed funds rate will return to zero.
Paul and Luke talk to Eddie Donmez, global markets analyst and a popular finance influencer at Finimize.
US-China relations are back in focus. US desire to contain Chinese growth in strategic technologies combined with China’s foreign and domestic policy agenda will keep the relationship volatile.
Federal Reserve 25bps hike dovish banking turmoil
Rebounding consumption is consistent with our above-consensus growth call and the unexpected property surge adds further upside.
Emerging market (EM) central banks will have to wait longer to loosen policy as developed markets (DMs) prioritise tackling inflation with further hikes.
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