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With Donald Trump’s election victory, the political carnivores are back. So, what’s on the menu for fixed income investors?
Discover two key strategies for transfer-aware defined benefit pension schemes.
Amit Moudgil considers the significance of Indian bonds achieving increasing representation in global bond indices.
As interest rates drop and inflation cools, we assess the most promising segments of the fixed income market.
We consider why government bonds could be the missing link for decarbonising investment portfolios.
Rory Hardie explains how the investment cycle is supporting EM ex-China company earnings.
Emerging Markets Monthly Insight: Leo Morawiecki explains why now could be a good time to consider investing in EM corporate bonds.
A look at how the region presents a uniquely attractive income opportunity for active investors focusing on total return.
A look at how election results will have major implications for the emerging market outlook, affecting both the future economic backdrop and geopolitical landscape.
Discover the future of infrastructure with our latest insights. We explore funding strategies and cutting-edge technologies. Read on to find out more.
Discover how climate change, technological progress, and geopolitics are reshaping infrastructure needs. Join Paul Diggle and Bridget Rosewell for an insightful discussion.
The Fed has made its big rate cut decision. Concerns now pivot from inflation to a possible US recession. We weigh into the debate. Find out more.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves will deliver the Labour government’s first budget on 30 October. Technical tweaks to the treatment of Bank of England losses can create some fiscal space, but material tax increases will be necessary to satisfy the fiscal rules. This note surveys the economic and fiscal landscape and outlines the potential tax increases.
The UK’s new Labour government blames its predecessors for leaving the country’s finances in a mess. How true is that? What can Chancellor Rachel Reeves do to fix problems and boost long-term growth when she unveils her first Budget next month?
Paul Diggle, Chief Economist, returns from a summer break with his take on recent market volatility, how growth has replaced inflation as investors’ main concern and why the race for the White House just got more intense.
Macro Bytes returns after a summer break to discuss why the ‘Sahm rule’ isn’t a rule, why inflation has been more volatile and how what happens in Japan matters to global markets.