Defined Benefit Pension Schemes

Investing to meet your Long Term Funding Objective

Contact us for more information

Our approach

Broad investment expertise

Our scale and breadth of pension and insurance expertise spans all key asset classes, regions and markets to seek out the best investment opportunities for our defined benefit (DB) clients.

Whether you are looking to invest in fixed income, equities, private markets, real estate or multi asset, we offer a suite of solutions to meet your needs.

Bespoke solutions

Our solutions range from advising on strategic ‘buyout ready’  investment strategies or run-on strategies to generate surplus; to carrying out bespoke investment solution design work to allocate across liability driven investing (LDI) and credit to match cashflows and hedge interest rate and inflation risks.

We also offer fiduciary management and a DB master trust for clients who want to delegate full or partial responsibility for managing their pension scheme and its assets.

A focus on ESG integration

We take a responsible approach to investing that aims to deliver value for our DB clients.

We integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) into our research, analysis and decision-making processes. We also manage specialised funds that incorporate stronger sustainable or ethical principles.

Our capabilities

Fixed income

  • Complete range of local and global public funds
  • Active or Buy & Maintain, segregated and pooled
  • ESG and climate fund options

Buyout ready investing

  • Tailored solutions to hedge buyout pricing
  • Cashflow and credit spread capture through Buy & Maintain strategies
  • Interest rate and inflation hedging options
  • Bespoke offering through pooled or segregated structures

Private credit

  • Multi asset or specialist private credit strategies
  • Pooled or segregated across CRED, infrastructure debt, private placements, & fund financing
  • Range of maturities, illiquidity premiums and structures

Real estate

  • Suite of UK real estate solutions to meet your needs
  • More secured long cash flow strategies such as Long Lease Fund and Ground Rent
  • Climate and nature solutions

Diversified growth

  • Diversified range of assets
  • Broad range of alternative exposures
  • Liquid framework

Global private markets

  • Range of private credit and equity exposures
  • Global exposure
  • Pooled and seg offerings


  • Broad coverage of global and local, active and passive, equity strategies
  • Small cap range of funds
  • ESG and climate range of options

Infrastructure equity

  • Asset backed equity investments
  • Inflation linkage
  • Range of sectors

Money markets

  • Suite of liquidity products to meet cash flow requirements
  • Offering capital preservation, liquidity, diversification, competitive returns
  • Embedded ESG

Our solutions


DB master trust

A professional governance framework to help your defined benefit pension scheme achieve its goals.


Fiduciary management

Providing your scheme with stronger governance, strategic journey planning and portfolio design and implementation.

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Buyout ready investing

Offering a range of pooled funds or segregated strategies that allow solutions to be tailored to your needs, hedging insurer pricing and providing a seamless transition to buyout.

Sustainable investing

Providing a range of sustainable solutions designed to meet your financial goals and objectives.

Risk warning

The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.

Woman at desk with laptop

DB webcasts

Watch the latest insights and market commentary from our fund managers on pertinent DB topics.

DB Webcasts

Find out more about our DB pension scheme solutions.

Contact us

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about our DB pension scheme solutions, please get in touch with a member of the UK Institutional team at

Our other investment solutions

Defined contribution solutions

We work in partnership with trustees, providers and consultants to deliver solutions for use in accumulation and decumulation retirement propositions.

Insurance solutions

We help insurers optimise their investment portfolio to achieve their asset yield, capital efficiency, and responsible investment objectives.

Local Government pension schemes

We collaborate with our LGPS clients to evolve, develop and create innovative investment solutions and structures to meet bespoke requirements.

Charities & Foundations

We combine access to specialist institutional capabilities with experienced charity insights to provide solutions to suit your needs.


We provide a full spectrum of capabilities for institutions looking for long-term growth, income generation, liquidity management, and ESG impact alongside financial returns.

Liquidity solutions

We offer a suite of liquidity products to meet your cash flow requirements with a primary focus on capital preservation, while also seeking to deliver competitive returns.

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