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Solutions to help insurers optimise their portfolios and meet their needs.

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Helping insurers optimise their investment portfolio to achieve their asset yield, capital efficiency, responsible investment objectives and supporting their reporting requirements

Insurers have unique investment needs. On the one hand they need to generate sufficient returns on their assets to meet long-term commitments to policyholders. On the other, stringent regulation means that any investment risk needs to be balanced against solvency capital requirements and the potential for balance sheet volatility.

At abrdn, we’ve been helping insurers manage these challenges for almost 200 years. We provide access to a range of strategies and asset classes that target to help enhance the risk-adjusted return on a portfolio. Plus we provide a complete service to meet reporting and fiduciary requirements, including complete investment outsourcing where required.

Our vision is to invest for a better future; environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have been an integral part of our decision-making process for almost 30 years. We recognise insurers will have their own responsible investment philosophy; be it geared towards integration of ESG considerations or towards strategies that incorporate stronger sustainability or ethical principles, we have strategies & expertise available to help you implement and monitor your approach.

Our key achievements

Insurance Asset Management Awards 2023 logo
INSURANCE_Investment strategy of the year 2022
INSURANCE_Risk management firm of the year 2021
Insurance Asset Management Awards 2023 logo
Insurance Asset Management Awards 2020

What we offer our clients

Our insurance team is focused on managing relationships and developing innovative asset solutions for our clients. The team includes investment actuaries with in-depth knowledge of regulation, risk and actuarial matters. With extensive global insurance investment experience and expertise, the team works closely with our clients to build lasting investment solutions that deliver effective outcomes.
We understand that insurers have specific investment objectives. To help them meet these, we offer a comprehensive range of investment solutions, including:
  • pooled products across a wide range of asset classes
  • bespoke solutions tailored to individual client requirements
  • liability-aware mandates
  • fiduciary responsibilities within well-defined parameters.
All our solutions are supported by global investment capabilities that span a broad spectrum of traditional and non-traditional asset classes. As one of the world’s largest assets managers, we have experienced investment teams covering:
  • Fixed income
  • Private markets
  • Real estate
  • Client-driven and multi-manager solutions
  • Alternative investment strategies
  • Quantitative investing
  • Equities
  • Multi-asset
  • Liquidity
  • Responsible investing
Our wide range of investment solutions is backed by our investment philosophy, disciplined risk management and shared commitment to a culture of investment excellence.
Discover more
We understand the regulatory importance of providing detailed and timely reports. Our reporting capabilities include:
  • Risk and performance attribution
  • Fund and investment reporting
  • Asset data reporting.
In addition to this, we offer fund accounting and valuation services; transaction reporting; trade management; asset servicing; and unit pricing.
Our vision is to invest for a better future; environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have been an integral part of our decision-making process for almost 30 years. At abrdn, we have strategies & expertise available to help you implement and monitor your approach. In 2020, we commissioned in-depth research across Europe’s five largest insurance markets: the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland. The aim of this research was to investigate how insurance investors are responding to ESG challenges. The report covers current practice, future objectives and the views of key decision-makers at 60 European insurance companies.

Key Documents

Risk warning

The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and an investor may get back less than the amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future results.

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Institutional clients

If you are a pension scheme, consultant, insurer, charity, foundation, university, family office or treasury manager please contact us on

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Personal Investments

For information on private pensions, savings or personal investments please contact our specialist team.

Adviser solutions

For information on our adviser platforms, please visit the help page. Alternatively, you can find contact details for our platform teams below

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